To be able to work in a country like Singapore, a foreigner must visit the Ministry of Manpower website and apply for a work visa. Singapore has a lot of employment visas to issue to foreign workers. They have the E Pass and PEP which are the passes for professionals. The S Pass, on the other hand, is issued to those that are middle-skilled or are not able to pass the eligibility criteria for the E Pass. Aside from those, the Ministry of Manpower issues a work permit Singapore visa. In this article, we will discuss the 4 work permit schemes in Singapore.
The 4 work permit Singapore schemes
Work permit for foreign worker
This particular work visa is for foreign workers that will work in the construction, manufacturing, marine shipyard, process, and services sector. They are not open to all nationalities. In fact, you can visit the Ministry of Manpower website to see the list of nationalities that are eligible to work under the work permit Singapore scheme.
Work permit for foreign domestic worker
This work visa is a specialized one for foreign domestic workers. To get a work permit, the Ministry of Manpower will not only evaluate the foreign applicant but also the employer through specific guidelines. This work permit Singapore visa is usually valid for up to 2 years depending on the validity of the security bond that the employer is required to buy upon hiring a domestic worker.
Work permit for confinement nanny
This work visa is a lot different from the other work permits. To be precise, this visa is only valid for 16 weeks. That is because it will be based on the birth of the child of the employer. Usually, the employer can hire a foreign confinement nanny a month before she goes into labor. However, this work permit Singapore scheme only allows Malaysians to apply. Once the mother has recovered from delivering the child, the Malaysian nanny’s work visa expires at the end of their employment or 16 weeks.
Work permit for performing artiste
This work visa, as the name suggests, is reserved for performing artists. Those foreign artists that will be working on eligible public entertainment outlets will be allowed to get this visa. However, this work permit Singapore scheme is only valid for six months. It is also non-renewable and forbids the holder to apply for another work visa within a year after this work permit expires.
Levies and quotas
All work permits in Singapore are subject to a levy fee. A levy is paid by the employer to be able to keep the foreign worker employed. The levy is paid monthly and covers the duration of the employment of the foreign worker.
As for quotas, the work permit Singapore schemes are subjected to a quota however, this only applies to the foreign worker visa and performing artist work visa. This means that the company hiring foreigners are only allowed to have a certain number of foreign employees. If they wish to hire more, they need to hire more local employees. Another scenario is that they lay off some of the foreign workers they have previously employed to give way to the newly-hired foreigners.
The work permit Singapore schemes have a lot of limitations. The most notable is that they are only allowed to work in the scope that the permit allows. This means if the work permit they got is for performing artists, they are not allowed to work as servers or cook even if that is for the same company or employer. Aside from that, they are not permitted to take part in any business owner unless they will apply for a work visa like the EntrePass or the E Pass. Furthermore, the employer is the one that will select the housing that foreigners will reside in.
Also, the work permit Singapore holders are not allowed to marry a Singapore citizen or permanent resident in or outside Singapore without approval from MOM. Female foreign workers are also not allowed to get pregnant or deliver a child in Singapore unless they are married to a Singapore citizen or permanent resident and have received the approval of the Ministry of Manpower. These limitations still apply even if the work visa is already revoked, canceled, or expired.
Learn more about work permit Singapore visas
Although the requirements for the work permits are not as stringent as the E Pass or the S Pass, it is still not simple to get one. That is because the Ministry of Manpower makes sure that both the applicant and the employer are eligible for the work visa that they are applying for. If you need help in applying for the work permit Singapore visa, you can get in touch with a work visa company like Ren Ai Group. They not only have all the information you need to get an employment visa but they can also assist you to surely get one. Come and visit their website!
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